
July 30, 2011

One thing most people know about me is that although I have lived in Seattle for nearly 9 years – and I love many things about it – I daydream about moving back to the Midwest.  This is near blasphemy in these parts.  But last week I said goodbye to yet another Midwestern friend, a Seattle transplant who is thrilled to be moving back to Nebraska.

I’m telling you, there is something about the Midwest.

What might be slightly more accurate is that there is something about “home”.

You might think that an Iowan gal would feel pretty out of place upon landing in the Emerald City, but you would be wrong.  The 520 bridge was the most challenging thing upon arriving here, not the people or the culture or the city life.  But the strangest thing has happened — the longer I live here, the more aware I become of who I am and just what has shaped me.  (Maybe this happens to everyone, everywhere as they walk through their years?)  It really doesn’t matter where I live, I am a Midwesterner.

And so I thought to try my hand at blogging from this perspective, because I know I am not the only one looking through this particular prism.  And as with so many things in life, my suspicion is that others with very different paths than mine will be able to relate to at least some of what I share, but in ways I can’t anticipate.  One of my favorite things is finding commonalities where they are least expected.

I don’t intend this blog to be all about my musings of “home”.  I mean, let’s be real here…  how am I going to write a blog and not talk about food?  What I do intend is to write about life, suprising connections, and subversive viewpoints – from my perspective as an ‘uprooted midwesterner’.  I think I might suprise you.

Now I’m going to walk to the store for some organic ice cream, and make a float with my made-with-real-sugar-all-natural-flavors root beer and enjoy the rest of this glorious Pacific Northwestern summer evening.

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